



Up to four good guys (players) are entering the mines of Minerunner to collect all gold and escape to the next level.

* * * *

Unfortunately, the gold is guarded by bad guys. Pushing the button opens the floor to your left or right side temporarilly. Your opponents keep stuck in the opened holes and you can walk over then. The mines are labyrinths of ladders, poles and traps. If all gold in a level has been collected, a ladder leading to the next level will appear. Greeeed... In this world, the bad guys doesn't win. If you fail, try again!


  • Up to four player simultanous game!
  • Supports four player joystick adapter!
  • Supports two button joysticks!
  • Supports keyboard control!
  • Saves highscores to disk!
  • Doesn't stop multitasking!
  • Can be promoted to any OCS/AGA screenmode!
    Minerunner is available for:
    1. Amiga: minerunner18.lha (aminet, USA) , minerunner18.lha (aminet, Germany)

    If you have any questions, send me a mail:

    starfox@incubus.franken.de / starfox@cow.mayn.de

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